D12B Code List 0541

The current security header segment group and the object body itself, only. In this case no other security header or security trailer segment group shall be encompassed within this scope.
From the current security header segment group, to the associated security trailer segment group. In this case the current security header segment group, the object body and all the other embedded security header and trailer segment groups shall be encompassed within this scope.
From the first character of the message, group, or interchange to the last character of the message, group or interchange.
Related security information, related interactive security header and interactive message body.
Related security information, security header, all other embedded interactive security headers, interactive message body and all other embedded interactive security trailers.
From and including, the first character ("U") of the message header segment (UNH) through to and including, the last character (segment terminator) of the corresponding message trailer segment (UNT).
The scope of security application is defined in an agreement between sender and receiver.